Monday 13 November 2017

Geophysical survey training

Geophysical survey training – results from the surveys

During a week in April 2017 geophysical surveys were carried out on two sites in the Cannock Chase area with the project volunteers. The main purpose was to provide training in the use of geophysical survey methods to enable the volunteers to conduct their own research on new sites in the future.


The volunteers were trained to use two different geophysical methods, earth resistance (above left) and magnetometer survey (above right) © Historic England/Cara Pearce.

The first site was a group of possible burnt mounds, expected to be of Bronze Age date, previously identified from lidar data in the eastern part of Cannock Chase. Earth resistance survey was targeted over the three most prominent mounds and the results suggested the centre of the mounds contain stony material strongly contrasting with the surrounding damper soils deposited by the near-by river. Magnetometer survey was also carried out over the site but only the mound to the south (MST999), produced high readings expected from a burnt feature. The results indicate that there are differences in the composition of the three mounds that suggests they may vary in character and origin, or perhaps some have been more heavily disturbed since they were constructed.

[Left] digital terrain model from the airborne lidar, showing the location of the three mounds investigated on land at Sheepwash Farm and the main geophysical survey area outlined in yellow. The jagged line running up the image to the left of the mounds is the watercourse of the Rising Brook. Chase Through Time 2016 lidar. Source: Staffordshire CC/Fugro Geospatial BV 2016 © Historic England.

[Right] A gentle swelling in the ground (about 0.5m high) shows the position of mound A (Staffordshire HER MST999), viewed from the north-east © Historic England.

 Greyscale images of the geophysical survey results from both sides of the Rising Brook superimposed on the Ordnance Survey background mapping and satellite imagery from Google Earth © Crown copyright and database right 2017, OS 100024900. Satellite imagery © 2017 Getmapping plc (from Google Earth).
 Later in the week a second survey was undertaken inside the Iron Age hillfort at Castle Ring, although here the magnetometer produced weak readings that were not very helpful. The earth resistance survey was of more value, and mapped a known medieval building in the north-west of the hillfort and evidence for associated activity in its surrounds. A second possible building shown in the earth resistance data may be either a new part of the medieval complex, or perhaps a later structure related to the use of the site during the Second World War.

Aerial photograph of Castle Ring, taken from the north-west, with the extensive bracken vegetation cover clearly visible. The medieval building platform is visible in the foreground of the image with the village of Cannock Wood in the background (NMR_20829/52, © Historic England Archive).

A useful and interesting set of results was obtained from the data collected by the volunteers at both of the sites, and also gives us a good idea of what geophysical survey methods are best suited for future investigation in the Cannock Chase area.

Castle Ring, Cannock Wood: Earth resistance results in relation to the 1987 RCHME plan of the
hillfort earthworks and features with topographical expression in the interior © RCHME/Crown
copyright. Reproduced from RCHME 1987 Castle Ring Hillfort, archaeological survey report: NMR no.
SK 01 SW 1. Unpublished internal report prepared by Marcus Jecock, Historic England Archive
reference no. 909039.

Visitor access issues affecting the sites:

Please note that the burnt mounds described in this post are on private land and are not normally accessible to the public without first seeking permission from the landowner. Castle Ring hillfort is a publicly accessible open space managed by Cannock Chase District Council.

More information

Hodder, M A and Welch, C, 1987 Burnt Mounds in the South Staffordshire Area, Staffordshire Archaeological Studies, 4, 15-24

English Heritage 2008 Geophysical Survey in Archaeological Field Evaluation, 2nd ed., Swindon: English Heritage.

We want your feedback!

If you have an interest in the study and investigation of the sites in the Cannock Chase area described here and can help by adding further supporting information then please leave a comment in the box below.

Andy Payne,

Geophysics Team, Historic England

Find out more about Historic England’s involvement in the Chase Through Time project, here:

Detailed Historic England research reports on the two geophysical surveys carried out for the Chase Through Time project can be accessed online at: